Discography | Solo Works
Seeing Through Sound
pentimento volume 2

Art direction: Dan Kuehn,
Arien Valizadeh,
Taska Cleveland
Album art sources,
moon-and-stars motif courtesy the
Mati Klarwein family
seeing through sound
pentimento volume 2
moons of titan
unknown wish
cool down coda

Music always seems to be about telling you a secret…
—Federico Fellini
…And the Ship Sails On, 1983 (E La Nave Va)

Side A
SCENE 1 (8:04)
Jon Hassell – trumpet, electronics
Rick Cox – electric guitar, bass clarinet, sample orchestration
Eivind Aarset – electric guitar, sampler
John Von Seggern – electric bass, synth, keyboard samples
Kheir-Eddine M’Kachiche – violin, sampler
Arnaud Mercier – recording engineer, Paris Radio Studio
and Minoroten Kirche, Vienna, Austria
SCENE 2 (4.23)
Jon Hassell – trumpet, electronics
Michel Redolfi – electronic textures
Christoph Harbonnier (Lightwave)
Christian Wittman (Lightwave)
Arnaud Mercier – recording engineer
Recording Studio, Radio France, Paris
SCENE 3 (2:53)
Jon Hassell – trumpet, keyboard
Peter Freeman – electric bass
Rick Cox – guitar
John Von Seggern – sampler, percussion
SCENE 4 (4:02)
Jon Hassell – trumpet, keyboard
Rick Cox – guitar, percusion, samples
Hugh Marsh – violin orchestrations
John Von Seggern – sampler, percussion
Side B
SCENE 5 (2:16)
Jon Hassell – keyboard
Rick Cox – guitar with electronics
Jan Bang – live sampling
Peter Freeman – bass
SCENE 6 (1:41)
Jon Hassell – keyboard
John Von Seggern – keyboard, electronics
Rick Cox – guitar, electronics
SCENE 7 (6:38)
Jon Hassell – trumpet, chordal harmonics
Rick Cox – guitar, choral electronic background spatialization.
Sam Minae – rhythmized bass samples, percussion.
Background textures inspired by
Christopher O’Riley’s performance of
Guirlandes (Garlands) Prelude for Piano by Alexandere Scriabin
SCENE 8 (8:11)
Jon Hassell – keyboard, electronics
Hugh Marsh – electric violin and orchestration
John Von Seggern bass, keyboard, percussion samples
Adam Rudolph – African drums and orchestration

Executive Producer Matthew Jones
Produced by Jon Hassell
Co-produced by Rick Cox
Recording Engineer, Production Consultant Arnaud Mercier
Co-production, Moons of Titan Michel Redolfi
Recorded at Studio Venice, California
Mastering Al Carlson, New York
Additional mastering Arnaud Mercier
All compositions Jon Hassell / Nyen Music
A previous version of “Timeless” appeared
on the Dreamy Harbor compilation on Tresor.

A companion piece to 2018’s Listening To Pictures, this second volume in the pentimento series presents eight new tracks by the music visionary, continuing his lifelong exploration of the possibilities of recombination and musical gene-splicing. Pentimento is defined as the “reappearance in a painting of earlier images, forms, or strokes that have been changed and painted over” and this is evident in the innovative production style that ‘paints with sound’ using overlapping nuances to create an undefinable and intoxicating new palette.

In classic Hassell fashion, the title can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, but perhaps the most pertinent at the moment is the human instinct to sing and play through a rain of difficulties. A future blues of indeterminate and ever-shifting shape.
The album is buffered by two 8-minute plus epics at the beginning and the end – the hypnotic “Fearless” with it’s metronomic, almost Can-like rhythm, and blurry, noir-ish texture of sound emerging like car headlights from the fog; mirrored at the end of the record by the beautiful sci-fi lullaby of “Timeless”, a track with a gaseous, billowing quality as electronic clicks and bubbles float over a landscape of shimmering, glacially paced complexity.
The bridge between those two worlds is no less compelling, from the frantic, spidery IDM sketch of “Reykjavik” to the collapsed-time ballad of “Unknown Wish.”
Whilst containing seeds of classic ‘fourth world’ fusion, this record finds the artist still questing to create new forms and mutations of music, a thrilling window into what music could sound like in a world to come.